by Team REF 

August 8, 2022

You’ve reach a point where learning depends solely on you, so you have to develop self-study tips. Are you ready for that change? In a demanding world, you need to have extra skills to make sure you stand out from the crowd. Learning new things can accelerate this process. 

Self-study is tough for some, but having a quick guide on how to do it helps greatly. Plus, the value of being a self-starter is that, professionally, you’ll be able to function on your own. You’ll have more freedom to work on new projects. For today’s post, we’ll discuss some tips on how to study on your own. 

The Power of a Routine

Photo by Daria Nepriakhin 🇺🇦 on Unsplash

Routines are powerful in changing people’s lives. For example, in your first year of university, you probably got used to having a weekly class schedule that you needed to follow. That routine had one goal: to help you with your organization skills. 

Productivity and Organization 

A routine is like an agenda. Each one of its steps gives you stronger organization skills. You can create your own agenda using an app or a planner from a bookstore. That way, you’ll be able to cross off the tasks you have completed. 

A solid routine guides you to do certain things at a specific time. The benefit? More productivity. There are specific hours during your day when you naturally feel more productive. It’s important that you identify those times and include them in your routine. Keep in mind that each person is different. What works for other people might not work for you. 

While you might be able to get more things done in the morning, someone else might work more efficiently at night. The point is to know yourself and stick to a routine that benefits you. 

You Get to Rest More

One big advantage of a routine is that you can pause after doing a lot of work. So, at some point in your day, you’ll have extra time to relax. The state of your health will reflect that you’re resting enough when you stick to a routine. For example, if you plan ahead to work from 7 AM to 2 PM, you can rest in the late afternoon by exercising or doing a hobby. 

Time Management

As a working professional or student, there’s a hidden enemy that you need to watch out for: procrastination. 

In simple words, procrastination happens when you do not do what you’re supposed to. Your workload will always be there when you want to go the extra mile or have projects that are due. Putting off those activities will only result in your work piling up. So, managing your time effectively will give you more control of your day-to-day activities. 

One tip for managing your time properly is to use the Pomodoro technique. Basically, this approach consists of working in segments and taking short breaks for a couple of minutes after a specific time. 

The benefit of this technique is that you get to set the time you want to work. However, it’s best if your rest time is less than ten minutes. At the end of the day, you just want to finish your tasks. 

Make Knowledge Part of Your Life 

Our team recommends being around knowledgeable people or material that makes you grow professionally and academically. With access to the internet, you can find online bookstores or magazines. To get the most out of all the content you’re exposed to, find material you’re interested in.

The benefit of being in a learning environment is that you learn new things every day. This is especially important if you’re still a student because your brain is constantly analyzing and absorbing fresh content. 

Books Are Your Friends

Photo by Alexei Maridashvili on Unsplash

Make books your best friends. These days, it’s possible to read a book anywhere (and for free). Take a full library with you and start transforming your life by reading for thirty minutes a day. In a previous post, we addressed why you should read to increase your English vocabulary

Reading improves your comprehension, as well as analytical and concentration skills. If you haven’t made this activity a habit yet, start by reading one book a month. Choose a title of your preference and take notes throughout. Later, review the notes to refresh your knowledge. As time goes by, read more than one book at a time. This will also require more concentration, but you get used to it when you read daily.

In short, the power of reading is one of your best allies for self-studying. 

Observe What Has Made Other Successful 

Imitating other people’s behaviors helps when you study on your own. Observational learning is a theory that explains how people learn by paying attention to what others do. 

Observational learning explains how kids adapt to the world by following others’ examples. You can apply this to your activities, too. 

You might wonder how you can learn just by observing. Well, it’s a process that takes some time to master, but you’ll unlock a new skill in your life. Start by mimicking what has made people successful, especially when they’ve accomplished big things on their own. Choose a role model and pay close attention to what the person does on a daily basis.  

Pay Attention to Details

Frequently, successful business owners or students are too busy with their lives to sit and explain how they got to where they are.

Some secrets are hidden in small details. Does this person wake up early? Does the person spend their time reading a book or interacting with others? Those are some questions you can ask to figure out how that individual became successful. 

Self-Study Tips to Extend Your Reach

Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash

When was the last time you made a decision on your own? Life is about accepting challenges and overcoming obstacles. 

As a self-taught person, you need to be open to new adventures. Now that you have some tips about how to self-study, you can start to raise the ante. 

If you study a language on your own, double the amount of words you learn each day. Find new speakers online or in person to put into practice what you’ve learned. 

If you’re a student, apply for a scholarship overseas. The world is full of opportunities for those who want more for the betterment of their lives. 


Don’t worry if you need help with learning on your own. Sometimes, you need to get used to a whole new list of activities you didn’t do before. With these tips, you have a clear path to make decisions that will help you in your learning process as a student or professional. 

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